Concentrated Vehicle Cheater Wax and Drying Agent


BEEDZ is a premium quality vehicle cheater wax and drying agent for use in all manual wash and automatic applications. It contains a scientific blend of non-petroleum oils, cutting edge silicone water repellants, and carnauba wax. It promotes rapid water repulsion and drying of all vehicle surfaces. It is recommended for use as the final rinse or may be followed by a RO water rinse. It is especially effective in applications using forced air blow off as the water beads up and rolls off the surface under moderate air flow.


Appearance …………….. clear amber liquid
 Specific Gravity ………… 0.98 (8.16 #/gal)
 pH ………………………… 7.0
 Odor ……………………… mild solvent
 Biodegradable ………….. Yes


Use BEEDZ as the final rinse additive or it may be followed by a RO water rinse. Recommended use is 1 oz / gal (1:128) to 4 oz / gal (1:30). Diluted BEEDZ is safe on all exterior vehicle surfaces.


BEEDZ concentrate is mildly irritating to skin and eyes. Wear safety glasses and gloves when handling concentrate.

The information contained in this bulletin is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate. All recommendations or suggestions are made without guarantee. ChemLoc Inc. disclaims any liability in connection with the use of this product.